
Dominoes Are a Great Plotting Tool

The domino effect—the chain reaction of one small act resulting in a cascade of similar events—is mesmerizing. It can also be applied to how we learn, as well as our behavior and relationships. Whether we’re building a set of dominoes, or a story, the same principle holds true. A tiny nudge can cause the entire line to fall, unleashing all the potential energy that was locked up in each individual piece.

Known by many names—bones, cards, men, or pieces—dominoes are a type of gaming object that is used to play games of chance and skill. They are normally rectangular in shape and are made of rigid material such as wood, bone, or plastic. Most have a standardized pattern on one side with a line to divide it visually into two squares, each bearing a value based on an arrangement of spots called pips. The other sides may be identical or blank. The number of pips on the ends of a domino may vary, as may the total of all pips on each piece (this is referred to as the rank or weight).

The first recorded use of Dominoes was in Italy and France in the early 18th Century. They became a popular fad in Europe and were probably brought to England by French prisoners at the end of that period. By then, they were available in several sizes and shapes with different numbers of pips on each end. Dominoes are still very popular today.

In addition to being a fun family activity, Dominoes are a great way for writers to visualize how scenes work together in their novels. They are a good tool for plotting, especially for authors who write in a linear style. As you read your manuscript, take a moment to lay out each scene like a domino rally and see how the scenes relate to each other. Do they progress logically from one to the next? Do they evoke the emotional beats your character’s development and plot outline require?

A key element of Dominoes’ success is that they capitalize on a fundamental principle of human behavior described in the influential book Influence by Robert Cialdini. Specifically, people are more likely to honor commitments they make—even if they’re only small—to something that is aligned with their self-image. For example, when Jennifer Dukes Lee began making her bed each day she was making a small commitment to a new behavior that fit with her image of herself as a neat and tidy person.

A similar principle applies to student learning, although this is a more subtle one. When a student compensates for a learning challenge it can have a domino-like impact on their overall performance. This is because the skills they develop in order to compensate for their challenges can impact their abilities to master other skills. Over time, these compensatory behaviors can limit their potential for growth and create a vicious cycle of failure. When students begin failing more and more often it is important to understand the importance of breaking out of this cycle by identifying and addressing any underlying issues.


Online Lottery – The Growing Convenience of Playing the Lottery Online

Online lottery is a type of gambling game in which players choose a group of numbers or symbols that are then recorded in a central database for a chance to win a prize. While the lottery has been around for centuries, online versions are becoming increasingly popular and offer more convenience for players. In addition to providing players with more ways to participate in the lottery, online lottery games also allow them to play from anywhere in the world.

The best online lottery websites will offer a range of different payment methods and are fully licensed and regulated by the relevant authorities. In addition to accepting major credit and debit cards, many sites also accept ACH bank transfers from checking accounts or PayPal. This ensures that all transactions are secure and that only real people are able to place bets. Those who wish to participate in a lottery with higher stakes can deposit large sums of money into their account to increase their chances of winning.

It is legal to purchase state and national lottery tickets online in a growing number of states. These online lotteries provide the same odds and prizes as traditional lottery ticket sales, but are more convenient for people who want to play the lottery from the comfort of their home or while on the go. These sites often feature a full suite of lottery games, including scratch cards and keno. They also allow players to select their own numbers or receive randomly-generated numbers through Quick Pick. Some even allow players to set up Smart Order subscriptions so that they never miss a drawing.

While some critics of online lotteries point to their potential for cannibalization of traditional lottery ticket sales, there is no evidence that this has occurred. In fact, state-based online lottery products have been shown to stimulate retail sales of traditional lottery games in states where they are available. In Pennsylvania, for example, where PA iLottery launched in 2018, traditional lottery game sales have grown every year since then. While there are a number of valid concerns about problem gambling and the ability to verify lottery players’ identities, cannibalization is not among them.

In New York, for instance, where a lottery courier company called Jackpocket operates, Khanna says online sales have made up between 10 and 20 percent of the market during ballooning Mega Millions and Powerball jackpots in recent years. He adds that other companies are noticing similar trends and expect to see online sales continue to grow as more people become comfortable purchasing tickets on their mobile devices. In most cases, winners of online lottery tickets will be paid instantly, although larger prizes may require a visit to a retailer or state lottery office to claim. Smaller prizes are credited directly to your online lottery account, which you can withdraw or transfer to your personal bank account at any time. The companies also keep track of your entries and notify you if you are a winner, so you do not have to worry about forgetting to check your ticket.