
A Glossary of Domino Terms


Domino is a family of tile-based games. The tiles are rectangular with two square ends marked with a number of spots on them. The aim of domino games is to place a domino in the center of the board. In domino games, each domino has a corresponding number of spots.


The origins of dominoes are fascinating and varied, ranging from ancient Chinese games to European versions. The game is widely played in pubs and cafes today and has many variations. French prisoners of war brought the game to England and it spread throughout Europe and America. It is also considered a direct descendant of the Inuit game, which was played with bone-like objects.

The Origins of Domino comic book series traces the origin of Domino, a superhuman with superhuman powers. The character was created as a byproduct of an experiment conducted by the government to create super soldiers. The government was unsuccessful in its attempts to create super soldiers, and it abandoned the project. However, Domino developed into a hero, and the comics have become popular in Europe and beyond.


There are a number of basic rules in the game of domino. The main objective is to create enclosed spaces, known as ‘cells,’ which are equal in size to half of a domino tile. For each cell created, you score one point. There are a number of different tactics for constructing these cells. A graphic illustration of these tactics is shown in the following paragraphs.

The first player places a domino on the board, called the “boneyard.” The second player sets down one domino and plays it from the extreme horizontal on their own side. The second player then places a domino with the number six on the free side of a double six.


There are many variations of the classic domino game. In the most basic form, players select seven tiles from a set of twenty-eight, and then they play them in the line of play. Players continue playing until no tiles remain, or until the player has reached a block. If a player matches all of his or her tiles, he or she wins.

In other variations, players try to build a line of dominoes by aligning their values. A domino tile consists of two sides, each with a value between zero and six. Initially, players used a 32-piece set, where each domino represented one of 21 possible results from throwing two six-sided dice.


A Glossary of Domino Terms is a great resource for learning the terms and rules of dominoes. The glossary lists terms alphabetically and according to their meaning. This article discusses some of the more popular terms used in domino games and provides links to more detailed descriptions of them.

A game of domino is a competitive activity that requires two or more players. The game consists of rounds that each finish with a winning score. The tiles used in a domino game are usually hidden from the other players and can only be used by the person who received them.

Rules of the game

In the game of domino, players place tiles on the open ends of the game board. The tiles must have pips that match the number of pips on the opponent’s tiles in order to score. If all open ends have pips that equal five or more, the player wins the game.

There are many different variations of domino, including rules regarding line of play. The general objective of the game is to build a full hand. Doubles may be played on either side of the line, but are not required to do so. In some variants, a player may also block the line of play in one direction.