
Using the Domino Effect to Build a Plot

Dominoes are a favorite game, but they can also make an excellent tool for teaching children about the basics of physics. The word domino is a combination of two Latin words, dominium and opus, both meaning “order” or “rule.” The game itself refers to a set of rectangular tiles with alternating colored dots and a line down the middle. Each piece has a value, determined by the number of pips on each side. The value of a domino can range from zero to six, or any other combination of pips.

The most common form of domino is the double-six set. A set of 28 dominoes is shuffled and formed into the stock, or boneyard, where players draw from for the rest of the game. Once drawn, each domino is placed on-edge in front of the player. This allows them to see their own dominos, but not the value of the opponent’s. This prevents cheating or collusion.

Typically, European-style domino sets are made from silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory or a dark wood such as ebony with contrasting black or white pips (inlaid or painted). They may also be crafted out of stone; metal; ceramic clay; frosted glass; or other materials, but these offer less novel aesthetics.

A domino has a tendency to remain in place unless pushed or pulled, but just a tiny nudge can trigger the chain reaction that causes it to fall. This is called the domino effect, and it’s much more powerful than most people realize. University of British Columbia physicist Lorne Whitehead has shown that a domino can knock over objects up to one-and-a-half times its size.

This same phenomenon can be applied to plotting a story. Whether you write off the cuff or with a carefully composed outline, the success of your manuscript will ultimately come down to one question: What happens next? Considering how to use the domino effect can help you build a plot that will keep readers hooked and turning pages.

The same can be said for the way a business operates. When leadership changes are necessary, it’s essential to stay true to your core values. For Domino’s, that meant focusing on their customer service and listening to the feedback of employees and customers alike.

Luckily for Domino’s, they were able to turn things around before it was too late. Their new CEO, Jim Doyle, focused on implementing a variety of new policies and practices. He prioritized employee well-being, which in turn improved customer satisfaction. He also focused on the company’s core values, which included championing their customers. These efforts paid off in the end, as Domino’s reclaimed its position as the best pizza delivery company in America.